When Strong Women Pray
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Woman Care
Replay from February 3, 2015
Those of us who are of a certain age, have been raised to be that Proverbs 31 woman
That woman who is all things to all people. But, somewhere in that equation, we must find time and energy for self care.
We are caring for husbands, partners, children, parents, cats, dogs, and even plants.
But I say to you today, that YOU must matter. Your dreams, goals, and life purpose must matter.
Take a moment to breathe, meditate, dream, and pray.
Nurture yourself just as you nurture those around you.
Find time for yourself. Read a good book
Listen to some music. Take yourself out to lunch.
Enroll in school.
Invest in making yourself whole, happy, and healthy.
Some of us are dying inside, while even our plants are thriving.
May God lift you up today.
May He give you eyes to see thay you are beautiful. And that you deserve the same loving care that you give to others.
Hug yourself today.
Say out loud, I matter. I am deserving of love and care.
Lord, help me today that I
will care for myself as diligently
as I care for those around me.
LaTrisha Smith-Barney

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Terrific Tuesday
You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the Lifter of my head.
I cried to you with my voice, And you heard me from Your Holy hill. O LORD, hear
our voices.
In the morning we lay our needs in front of you, and we wait.
We rise before dawn and cry for help; we have put our hope in your word.
Everlasting God,
We bow before you, crying Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
For you are worthy of the highest praise.
It is in you that we live, and breathe, and have our being.
Wash away our transgressions, we pray.
Thank you, Lord, for another day.
Thank you for the blood running warm in our veins.
Bless and keep our families today.
Comfort, hold, and keep us during this season of uncertainty.
Provide for our needs.
Keep our feet firmly planted on the path we must go.
Bless all your precious people today, oh God.
Shield us from the devourer, for He comes but to kill, steal, and destroy.
Grant us favor, everywhere the soles, of our feet shall tread.
Grant rest to the weary, healing to the sick, and comfort to those who are mourning
Pour out your mercy, love, and peace upon this broken world.
Help us to love others as you have loved us. Help us to celebrate this Terrific Tuesday and to live it fully, and to your glory.
In Jesus' name we pray.
LaTrisha Smith-Barney
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Macaroni and Cheese
As a child, I never much liked macaroni and cheese. In my family, even in my culture, that was almost a sin.
When I became an adult, I realized that it was not the dish itself, but it was the sharp Cheddar cheese that I hated. However, there was no other way to make it, or so I thought. I found ways to make it using other cheeses that I liked, Mozzarella, Colby, mild Cheddar, and so on. I am proud to say that my macaroni and cheese is just heavenly, although, little old ladies must be shaking their heads in disbelief. How does one make macaroni and cheese without sharp Cheddar cheese? There is just no way it can be good.
As I discovered with macaroni and cheese, there are many different ways of doing things in life. There are different cultures, and different beliefs. We as human beings have to be at peace with the differences of others. God has created us to be unique and special individuals. I am reminded of the scripture that says, in my father’s house there are many mansions there. Why not just one mansion for all? It sounds as if God is accommodating and respecting our differences even in heaven, as we must on earth.
LaTrisha Smith-Barney
Oh Lord, I bow before you in the cool of the evening.
I worship you.
You alone are God.
I thank you for guiding me through the day.
Forgive me for my shortcomings.
And grant that I will do better tomorrow, if it be your will.
Grant peace to my family and I.
Help us to follow your precepts.
Help us to love each other, as you have loved us.
Bless all your precious people, tonight.
Some of us have had our dreams shattered. Some of us have reached the end of our rope. Some of us are celebrating on the mountain top. And some of us are weeping in the valley below. But wherever we find ourselves tonight, we proclaim that you are our God, and we are your people.
Bless us indeed.
Shield us from the devourer.
Give us peace and sweet sleep tonight.
Forever we give you the praise.
In Jesus' name I pray.
LaTrisha Smith-Barney
Bent Not Broken
I have been tossed to and fro by raging winds.
Bent to the extreme, but never broken.
I have been battered by angry storms. ...
Life has not always been kind.
There were times when it's been downright savage.
I have been knocked down by life's cruelties, but somehow,
I am able to struggle back to my knees, and rise slowly to my feet.
I am able to move forward, and press on against the raging winds.
I am bent to the extreme on either side, but never broken. --
Latrisha Smith Barney
God be praised. Let the name of the Lord be praised.
Thank you Lord,
For this afternoon.
Thank you for the blessings your hands have provided.
Have mercy upon us all, I pray.
Some of us have endured unspeakable losses. Some of us have endured unimaginable pain.
And some of us have faced insurmountable odds. But by your mercy, we are still here. And we thank you.
Let every stronghold of the enemy be pulled down.
Let every plot of the enemy be laid to waste.
We proclaim that we are blessed in the city.
We are blessed in the field.
We are blessed when we come and when we go.
Let our lives be a testament to your faithfulness.
We worship you today.
We praise your Holy name.
All creation bows before you.
Almighty God.
Bless us indeed.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the risen Savior we pray.
LaTrisha Smith-Barney
El-Olam, I humbly bow before you this morning. You are God Almighty. From everlasting to everlasting.
I thank you for this new day. I thank you for the blood running warm in my veins.
I thank you for the blessings of family and friends.
I thank you for all that your hands have provided.
Bless all your precious people, I pray.
Help us to take advantage of your new mercies.
Help us to shed the shackles of guilt and shame.
Help us to strive harder. To stretch more. To be better. To do better.
I put you in remembrance of all who are struggling and suffering, physically, spiritually, and financially.
Bind poverty, war, and hatred, and toss them into the abyss.
Help us to love each other as you have loved us.
Be near to those whose hearts are broken.
We cry Holy, Holy, Holy.
Nso. Nso. Nso.
Lord God, you are Holy. Bless us abundantly, today, and forevermore.
In Jesus' name we pray.
LaTrisha Smith-Barney
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